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22 March, 2023

Eurobattery Minerals closer to mining in Finland after the update of the environmental impact assessment

Stockholm, 22 March 2023 – The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”), today announces that FinnCobalt Oy has submitted Hautalampi-projects environmental impact assessment (EIA) update report to the North Karelia Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment (“ELY-centre “) for official review as part of the assessment. Eurobattery Minerals owns 40 % of FinnCobalt Oy and Hautalampi project and has decided to acquire additional 30 %.

“Completing the environmental impact assessment is critical in our journey to mine battery minerals in Hautalampi, and to do it responsibly. Following this, our team in Finland will immediately proceed with the environmental permit application”, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals. 

The recently updated EIA assessment will present the most updated status of the Hautalampi mine project’s environment, the environmental effects of the assessed options, their significance, and a comparison of the assessed options. The now-delivered update gives detailed information about the project’s effect on the groundwater level, bedrock subsidence, blasting vibrations and discharge water quality, and impact on the receiving watercourse. Also, the project mass and water usage balance have been updated to reflect the current planning status.  

The report comprises two different options for the tailings storage facility. Envineer Oy has compiled the assessment together with FinnCobalt Oy’s personnel and other consultants.

The EIA procedure commenced in December 2020 when the EIA program was submitted to the authorities. The EIA assessment and recent updates have been drafted based on the EIA program and the competent authority’s official statements on the program.

The EIA procedure will continue with a public hearing and will be concluded by the authorities’ official reasoned conclusion, which is due latest 4 months from filing the EIA. FinnCobalt has informed Eurobattery Minerals AB that it will immediately proceed with the environmental permit application.

The report will be available (only in Finnish) here

About Eurobattery Minerals

Eurobattery Minerals AB is a Swedish mining company listed on Swedish Nordic Growth Market (BAT) and German Börse Stuttgart (EBM). With the vision to make Europe self-sufficient in responsibly mined battery minerals, the company’s focus is to realize numerous nickel-cobalt-copper projects in Europe to supply critical raw materials and, as such, power a cleaner world.

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Contact Eurobattery Minerals AB

Roberto García Martínez – CEO


Contact Investor Relations



Augment Partners AB is the mentor to Eurobattery Minerals AB

Phone: +46 (0) 86 042 255


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