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30 October, 2022

Eurobattery Minerals postpones publication of interim report to 30 November 2022

Eurobattery Minerals has decided to postpone the publication of the interim report for the third quarter of 2022. Previously communicated date of publication was 18 November 2022 and new date of publication is Wednesday 30 November 2022.

About Eurobattery Minerals

Eurobattery Minerals AB is a Swedish mining company listed on Swedish Nordic Growth Market (BAT) and German Börse Stuttgart (EBM). With the vision to make Europe self-sufficient in responsibly mined battery minerals, the company’s focus is to realize numerous nickel-cobalt-copper projects in Europe to supply critical raw materials and, as such, power a cleaner world.

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Contact Eurobattery Minerals AB

Roberto García Martínez – CEO


Contact Investor Relations

Sara Pinto

Phone: +49 (0) 89-1250903-35



Augment Partners AB is the mentor to Eurobattery Minerals AB: Phone: +46 (0) 86 042 255, e-mail:

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