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4 December, 2019

Eurobattery Minerals in REE project with the universities of Uppsala and Krakow

Eurobattery Minerals AB (NGM; “BAT"), a growth company in the mining and exploration industry with the vision to help Europe become self-sufficient in ethical battery minerals, today announced a collaboration with two leading universities in efforts to find new ways to recover rare earth elements (REE) from apatite without the risk of getting unwanted residuals.

Rare earth elements are key raw material to source in order to make the electric revolution real, and we have to source it in a controlled and sustainable way. In this development, science and new innovations plays an important role. Therefore, I am very pleased that we have entered in to this collaboration with these prominent researchers and we are looking forward to new results that hopefully will lead to full scale tests, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO.

In the project, professor Jaroslaw Majka at the Department of Earth Sciences at the Uppsala University and professor Maciej Manecki at the AGH University of Science & Technology in Krakow are studying ways which may potentially open new more efficient and cost effective methods to obtain battery minerals as complements to current used technologies in the industry.

­­– As researchers we have an important role to play in collaborating with the mining industry to find new, sustainable and more efficient ways to obtain critical raw material and I am looking forward to our continuous collaboration with the Uppsala University and mining companies like Eurobattery Minerals, said Dr. Maciej Manecki at the AGH University of Science & Technology in Krakow.

Several REE occurrences in Sweden are included in the study and among them is Eurobattery Minerals deposit in Fetsjön in Västerbotten in northern Sweden. In this occurrence the researchers will conduct field studies that will lead to laboratory tests of the material.

Apatites in the shales at Fetsjön are very promising for recovering REE and we are looking forward to conduct further tests and analysis, said Dr. Jaroslaw Majka at the Uppsala University.

More information about the research project can be found here (in Swedish) -

About Eurobattery Minerals

Eurobattery Minerals is a mining and prospecting company focused on battery minerals such as nickel, cobalt, copper and rare earth elements. Business activities and operations are conducted exclusively in Europe with a focus on Spain and northern Sweden. The company has one mining license and eight exploration licenses. The headquarters is located in Stockholm.

Augment Partners AB, e-mail:, phone: +46 8 505 651 72, is the company’s Mentor

For further information, please contact:

Roberto García Martínez, CEO

Dr. Jaroslaw Majka,

Department of Earth Sciences,

Uppsala University, Sweden

Dr. Maciej Manecki,

Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry,

AGH University of Science & Technology, Krakow, Poland

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